今天跟大家分享Youtube上知名勵志演說家Jay Shetty一段關於時間的演講。廣大網友紛紛表示,這個演講發人深省,十分戳心,值得一聽!
When asked “what’s the biggest mistake we make in life?”, the buddha replied, “This biggest mistake is you think you have time.“
Time is free but it’s priceless. You can’t own it, but you can use it. You can’t keep it, but you can spend it. And once it’s lost, you can never get it back.
Jay Shetty給我們算了一筆賬,看看我們的一生中時間究竟是如何分配的。
We spend 28.3 years of our life sleeping. That’s almost a third of our life but 30% of us struggle to sleep well.
We spend 10.5 years of our life working but over 50% of us want to leave our current jobs.
We spend 9 years on TV and social media.
We spend 6 years doing chores.
We spend 4 years eating and drinking.
We spend 3.5 years in education.
We spend 2.5 years grooming.
We spend 2.5 years shopping.
We spend 1.5 years in child care.
We spend 1.3 years commuting.
When asked “what’s the biggest mistake we make in life?”, the buddha replied, “This biggest mistake is you think you have time.” 當被問及“人生最大的錯誤是什麼”時,佛祖如是回答:“最大的錯誤就是你認為你有時間。”
Time is free but it’s priceless. You can’t own it, but you can use it. You can’t keep it, but you can spend it. And once it’s lost you can never get it back. 時間是免費的,但也是無價的。你不能擁有,但可以使用。你不能把時間存下來,但你能夠把它花掉。一旦時間流逝,永不復還。
That average person lives 78 years. 人的一生平均可以活78年。
We spend 28.3 years of our life sleeping. That’s almost a third of our life but 30% of us struggle to sleep well. 我們花28.3年在睡覺上,這幾乎佔了我們生命的三分之一,但與此同時有30%的人卻為睡個好覺而掙扎著。
We spend 10.5 years of our life working but over 50% of us want to leave our current jobs. 我們在工作上花掉10.5年,但超過50%的人想要離開眼前的工作崗位。
Time is more valuable than money. You can get more money, but you can never get more time. 時間比金錢更有價值。你能賺更多的錢,卻不能獲得更多的時間。
We spend 9 years on TV and social media. 我們在電視和社交媒體上花掉9年。
We spend 6 years doing chores. 在家務瑣事上花掉6年。
We spend 4 years eating and drinking. 在吃吃喝喝上花4年。
We spend 3.5 years in education. 在教育上花3.5年。
We spend 2.5 years grooming. 在梳妝打扮上花2.5年。
We spend 2.5 years shopping. 在購物上花2.5年。
We spend 1.5 years in child care. 在養育孩子上花1.5年。
We spend 1.3 years commuting. 在通勤上花1.3年。
That leaves us with 9 years. 只剩下9年的時間給我們。
How will we spend that time? 那我們將如何度過這些時光呢?
Steve Jobs said “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.” 喬布斯說:“生命有限,不要浪費時間重覆別人的生活。”
So there’s good news and there’s bad news. 所以,有好訊息也有壞訊息。
That bad news is time flies, the good news is you’re the pilot. 壞訊息是時光飛逝,好訊息是你是領航者。
Imagine you wake up every day with $86,400 in your bank account and at the end of the night it’s all gone whether you spent it or not. And then the next day you get another $86,400. 想象一下,你每天醒來,銀行賬戶中都有86400美元。不管你消費與否,一天結束時它們都會消失。而第二天,你的賬戶又會有86400美元進賬。
What would we do with it? 那我們會怎樣花這筆錢呢?
Everyday 86,400 seconds are deposited into your life account. At the end of the day, once they’re all used up, you get a new 86,400 seconds. 每天86400秒都會存入你的生命賬戶。一旦這段時間耗盡,第二天你將擁有新的86400秒。
We would never waste it if it was money, so why do we waste it when it comes to time? 我們不會浪費錢,那為什麼要浪費時間呢?
Those seconds are so much more powerful than dollars, because you can always make more dollars, you can’t always make more time. 這些時間的力量遠大於金錢,因為你總能賺更多錢,卻無法獲得更多時間。
To realize the value of one year, ask a student who failed a grade. 想知道一年的價值,那就去問問考試失利的學生。
To realize the value of one month, ask a mother who lost their child in the final month. 想知道一個月的價值,那就去問問在孕期最後一個月痛失骨肉的母親。
To realize the value of one week, ask the editor of an online magazine. 想知道一週的價值,那就去問網路雜誌的編輯。
To realize the value of one hour, ask the couple who’s in a long-distance relationship. 想知道一小時的價值,那就去問異地戀的情侶們。
To realize the value of one minute, ask the person who just missed a bus, train or plane. 想知道一分鐘的價值,那就去問剛剛誤了公交、火車或飛機的人。
To realize the value of one second, ask the person who just missed an accident. 想知道一秒鐘的價值,那就去問剛巧避開一場事故的人。
And to realize the value of a millisecond, ask the person who just came second at the Olympics. 想知道一毫秒的價值,那就去問奧運賽場上的與冠軍失之交臂的第二名。
We think that it’s people wasting our time, but it’s really us giving them the permission to do that. And in reality these two people live inside us. Don’t let someone be a priority, when all you are to them is an option. 我們總認為是別人浪費了自己的時間,但其實是我們自己允許他們這麼做的。事實是,在我們的體內,住著這樣兩個人。如果你對別人而言只是一個選項的話,那不要讓對方成為你的優先項。
Some of us lose the people most important to us, because we don’t value their time. Some of us don’t recognize how important someone is to us until they’re gone. 有些人會失去最重要的人,因為我們沒有珍惜他們的時間。有些人直到對方離開時才意識到他們對自己而言是多麼重要。
Inside all of us are two voices — one voice that wants to uplift, one voice that wants us to expand; one voice that wants us to grow. And then there’s the other voice — the voice that holds us back, the voice that makes us lazy, the voice that makes us complacent, the voice that restricts us from our potential. 我們的內心有兩種聲音——一種聲音敦促我們積極向上,希望我們不斷豐富自己,鼓勵我們成長;而另一種聲音卻讓我們退步,讓我們變懶惰,變得驕傲自滿,這種聲音限制了我們的潛能。
Every day from the moment we wake up to the moment we go to sleep, inside of us there’s this battle between the two voices. 每天從清早醒來到晚上睡去,這兩種聲音就在我們的腦海中互相鬥爭。
And guess which one wins? 猜猜誰會贏?
The one that we listen to the most. 是我們最願意聽到的那個聲音。
The one that we feed. 是我們一直澆灌助長的那個聲音。
The one that we amplify. 是我們不斷擴大增強的那個聲音。
It is our choice of how we use our time. 怎樣使用時間,是我們自己的選擇。
Life and time are the best two teachers. 生命和時間是最好的兩位老師。
Life teaches us to make good use of time, and time teaches us the value of life. 生命教會我們好好利用時間,時間教會我們生命的價值。
And as William Shakespeare said, “Time is very slow for those who want, very fast for those who are scared, very long for those who are sad, very short for those who celebrate. But for those who love, time is eternal.” 正如莎士比亞所言,“對於索求的人來說,時間是緩慢的;對於恐懼的人來說,時間是飛快的;對於悲傷的人來說,時間漫長無邊;對於歡慶的人來說,時間轉瞬即逝。但對於有愛的人來說,時間是永恆的。”