PaperWeekly 致力於推薦最棒的工作機會,精準地為其找到最佳求職者,做連線優質企業和優質人才的橋梁。
新加坡研發中心隸屬於達摩院機器智慧技術實驗室。機器智慧技術實驗室當前擁有數百名研究員和工程師,致力於研發顛覆性的 AI 技術以解決社會問題。當前涉及到多個研究方向,如 speech processing, language processing, image/video analytics, and optimization & decision making。
新加坡研發中心是一個國際化的團隊,進行 speech 和 language 處理領域的若干重要方向的研發。為服務於阿裡巴巴國際化戰略,該中心尤其重視 multilingual speech and language processing technology 的研發。當前正在開展的方向包括 speech recognition and synthesis of multiple languages, NLP technology and machine translation systems for Southeast Asian languages, speech-to-speech translation, and knowledge-enhanced NLP techniques。
1. Take the key role of developing knowledge-empowered NLP techniques, including but not limited to: knowledge acquisition and representation, applying knowledge into different NLP tasks, etc.
2. Conduct research on how to utilize the real word knowledge (such as Knowledge Graph, Ontology, Domain Knowledge, and Commonsense Knowledge) to understand natural languages, and how to generate natural text that does not contradict with the real word knowledge.
3. Conduct research in the area of natural language inference with knowledge-empowered approaches, such as recognizing textual entailment, emotion cause identification, stance classifications, etc.
4. Explore the next generation of natural languages understanding technology. Explore how to integrate the symbolic knowledge/logic with the neural network models.
1. PhD degree from related areas, and 3+ years relevant working experience is preferred.
2. Experience in research and developments of related NLP topics, such as information extraction, knowledge base, natural language understanding, natural language inference, reading comprehension, text generation/summarization, etc.
3. Strong publication records in top tier related conferences, such as ACL, EMNLP, NAACL, SIGIR, KDD, WWW, NIPS, AAAI, IJCAI, etc.
4. Good programming skills in Python/C++/Java, and one shell script. Familiar with deep learning models and major deep learning programming frameworks.
5. Self-driven, innovative, collaborative, good communication and presentation skills.
1. Take the key role of developing Machine Translation techniques for low-resource languages, such as Indonesian, Thai, Vietnamese, etc.
2. Develop Machine Translation modules to support specific business scenarios and products for Alibaba globalization strategy. Adapt and develop the current Machine Translation techniques to achieve good translation performance between low resource languages and English/Chinese, and vice versa.
3. Conduct research and develop algorithms for low resource language translation with monolingual corpora. Plan and prepare parallel corpora between English/Chinese and low resource languages.
1. Master or PhD degree from related areas, and 3+ years working experience in NLP, Deep Learning, etc. Theoretical foundations or industry experiences in Machine Translation/Text Generation/Summarization will be a plus.
2. Strong programming skills in Python/C++/Java, and one shell script. Familiar with deep learning models and major deep learning programming frameworks.
3. Publication records in related conferences, such as ACL, EMNLP, NAACL, SIGIR, KDD, WWW, NIPS, AAAI, IJCAI, etc.
4. Working experience for Southeast Asian languages is a plus, and speakers of these languages are preferred.
5. Self-driven, innovative, collaborative, good communication and presentation skills.
• 簡歷投遞郵箱:l.bing@alibaba-inc.com
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