糾正一個發音錯誤,Hikari日語發音是Hi-ka-li(裡),參見日文 ひかり,以及作者wooldridge的採訪
jOOQ Tuesdays: Brett Wooldridge Shows What it Takes to Write the Fastest Java Connection Pool
I’ve lived and worked in Tokyo since 2008, though I think my Japanese is far behind where it should be given my time here. I chalk that up to preferring time at the keyboard to language study.
As you mentioned, Hikari (pronounced Hi-ka-lee) translates to “Light” (as in sunlight). In English, it is a double entendre in the context of HikariCP; though in Japanese it would not be. “Light” in the sense of “the speed of…”, and “light” in the sense of being light in terms of code weight.